Big Brother Naija 2019 housemate, Khafi on Thursday revealed a scary dream she had about fellow BBNaija housemate, Seyi. The Police officer, during her diary section, said after a disagreement with Seyi, she had a nap and in her dream, she saw Seyi trying to stab her with a knife. According to her, Seyi is opinionated and wants to direct his way. She said, ” Big Brother, this week has been very intense and our task is very demanding. In fact, its been so intense that I had to get a nap and in my dream, I saw Seyi trying to stab me with a knife. ”Maybe due to our little disagreement with the task, but I just had to shout Bigge look what Seyi is trying to do to me and after that, I woke up. ”However, I’m just giving him space cause I don’t want wahala.” Khafi also added that she was curious to know If the new housemate watched the show before coming to the house.