LOVE IN THE AIR!! Raquel says 'Yes' to Seun only after 5 days of meeting him. This beautiful love story on Raquel and Seun Daniel’s marital journey proves that it is not always how long, sometimes it is how well. On the the 9th of May 2016, they were complete strangers, fast forward to the 15th of May, 2016, they got engaged and on the 9th of September, 2017, they got married. Read the full story below as narrated by the bride: “Yes, I recently married my Best friend. But much more than excitement, what I’ve been taught during this (what felt like an eternity of single) season is that God is INTENTIONAL about every single detail in our lives. If we’re connected and in alignment with what HE is doing, we won’t miss His voice when He speaks. God brought this amazing human into my life when I wasn’t even ready. I could have missed it, I almost didn’t see it. It was too fast and he was too real to be true. Thankfully, when I met him, I recognised him-Spirit to Spirit. ...